I had a recent craving for something sweet and crunchy. Since it's the summertime, I thought about the summers of my childhood. What was the one essential sweet ingredient I had with friends and family? My mind bounced from memory to memory. All seemed to revolve around camping...of fires burning and cinders crackling as I held in my hands a twig with a large, fluffy marshmallow skewered. En garde! The marshmallow is to be sacrificed for my sweet tooth's happiness! After the marshmallow's snowy white turned into a light toasty brown, I remember that I would sandwich it safely between two crunchy pieces of graham crackers and a sweet piece of chocolate. Mmmmm...S'mores heaven! ^_^
Unfortunately, I was not in the wilderness; I did not have a large bonfire at hand nor did I have any graham crackers. :( So the second best thing would be to make Rice Crispy Squares! :)
I like this recipe a lot because it is simple and it turns out well
every time just as long as you follow the steps to a tee with patience
as your guide. With just several ingredients, several steps of
instruction, and several kitchen equipment to wash after all the baking
is done, you will have a nice-looking snack (who doesn't like to see
ooey-gooey sugary goodness?) that is sure to please all sweet-toothed